Countable Nouns
nouns are easy to recognize.
They are things that we can count. For example: "pen". We can count
pens. We can have one, two, three or more pens. Here are some more countable
- dog, cat, animal, man, person
- bottle, box, litre
- coin, note, dollar
- cup, plate, fork
- table, chair, suitcase, bag
nouns can be singular or
- My dog is playing.
- My dogs are hungry.
We can use the indefinite
article a/an with countable nouns:
- A dog is an animal.
a countable noun is singular, we must use a word like a/the/my/this with it:
- I want an orange. (not I want orange.)
- Where is my bottle? (not Where is bottle?)
a countable noun is plural, we can use it alone:
- I like oranges.
- Bottles can break.
We can use some and
any with countable nouns:
- I've got some dollars.
- Have you got any pens?
We can use a few
and many with countable nouns:
- I've got a few dollars.
- I haven't got many pens.
nouns are those that have only one form and we cannot count them.
water rain petrol
bread meat golf tennis
We do not use a or one,
two, three etc, before uncountable nouns.
We'll give a list of common
uncoutable nouns, and some of the words we use in front of them:
cup of
spoonful of
We can use some with all
these words. We also use grams/kilos/litres etc. in shops:
Can I have
three litres of milk, please?
I like coffee.
My hair
is blonde.
I haven't got
I always have
sugar in my tea,
I'll have two
coffees, please (cups of coffee)
There's a hair
in my tea
We had a good
Three sugars
in my milk, please.
A countable noun is a noun with both a singular and a plural form. It names anything that can be counted. Most
nouns are countable nouns. They are the opposite of non-countable nouns.
bear (bears), tooth
(teeth), man (men), grass (grasses) (all countable nouns)
hydrogen, sugar, cheese,
furniture, water (non-countable noun)
Countable nouns attract the question how many.
For example:
How many cars?
How many animals?
Non-countable nouns attract the question how much.
For example:
How much time?
How much wood?
Interactive example:

Countable nouns attract the question how many.
For example:

Non-countable nouns attract the question how much.
For example:

Interactive example:
is grit all over this path. [show me the countable
See also:
Glossary of gr
Countable & Uncountable nouns 1
Countable & Uncountable nouns (1)
Nouns can be countable or uncountable. When you learn a new noun you should make a note of whether it is countable or uncountable as we use different words with countables and uncountables.Countable nouns
- There is a cat in the garden.
- There are some birds in the trees.
- There isn’t a dog in the garden.
- There aren’t any birds in the tree.
- Is there an orange on the tree?
- Are there any chairs in the garden?
- How many chairs are there?
Uncountable nouns
- There is some milk on the floor.
- Is there any sugar?
- How much wine is there?
Other expressions of quantity
- There are a lot of apples on the trees.
- There is a lot of snow on the road.
Bill Gates has much money.
- Bill Gates has a lot of money.
- There’s a lot of beer but there isn’t much wine.
- There are a lot of carrots but there aren’t many potatoes.
Some nouns can be both countable and uncountable, depending on how they are used, and some nouns are commonly confused. These are covered in another section.
Pengertian Uncountable Noun
- Uncountable Noun adalah kata benda yang tidak dapat dihitung.
- Uncountable atau mass noun ini kebanyakannya hanya memiliki bentuk singular (tunggal), namun ada beberapa yang hanya memiliki bentuk plural.
- Jika ingin membentuk pengertian plural dari kata benda ini, maka yang dijamakkan adalah takarannya.
- Banyak mass noun terbentuk dari derivasi adjective, derivasi verb, maupun derivasi noun.
Contoh Uncountable Noun
Adapun contoh uncountable noun dari berbagai kategori adalah sebagai berikut.
noddle, meat, bread
coffee, milk, oil,
grain, sugar, rice,
fluor, salt
material & sourches
concrete, iron, wood,
glass, sand, gold, air, water, oxygen, fog
household items
furniture, flooring,
bedding, electricity
Indonesia, english,
mandarin, Arabic
thunder, weather, lightning,
rain, snow, wind
travel, information,
money, equipment, luggage
professional endeavour
work, knowledge,
research, progress, intelligence, loyalty
abstract consept
happiness, tolerance,
independence, love, anger
Plural Uncountable Noun
- Beberapa uncountable memiliki bentuk plural (jamak) tanpa bentuk singular (tunggal) walaupun dengan makna yang sama.
- Plural uncountable tersebut tidak dapat ditambahkan determiner
number. Contoh:twopants.
Contoh Plural Uncountable:
arms, clothes, customs, glasses, goods, groceries, jeans, pyjamas, pants, scissors, spectacles, thanks, trousers.Determiner pada Uncountable Noun
Determiner pada uncountable antara lain adalah definite article, quantifier, dan distributive, dengan contoh kalimat sebagai berikut.
Contoh Kalimat
She bought the furniture at the
Do not bring much money to the store.
little, a little
There is only little water left in his
a great deal of,
a good deal of, a large amount |
A mother has a great deal of time to
listen her children’s problems.
There is no fresh water in this area.
some, any
Would you mind giving
me some advice?
a lot of/lots of
I need a lot of margarine to cook
this, that
This rice is free from herbicide.
Part 2. Articles with Uncountable Nouns: Basic Rules |
Uncountable nouns can't be counted.
They are not used in the plural, do not take the plural ending s/es, are not
used with the indefinite article a/an, and agree with a singular verb. |
Types of uncountable nouns |
Several terms are used in reference to
these nouns in English: uncountable nouns, noncount nouns, non-countable
nouns. Some linguistic sources use the term mass nouns for all types of
uncountable nouns. |
In general, uncountable nouns include
concrete mass nouns (liquids, gases, solid substances), various abstract
notions, names of scientific subjects and fields of study, names of
languages, names of sports, names of various activities, names of natural
phenomena. The list below shows some commonly used uncountable nouns. |
Liquids: water, tea, coffee, milk, cocoa, lemonade, fruit juice,
beer, wine, champagne, vodka, whisky, alcohol, vinegar, soy sauce, vegetable
oil, petroleum, oil, petrol, gasoline, blood, shampoo, ink, glue. |
Gases: air, oxygen, hydrogen, nitrogen, helium, carbon dioxide,
carbon monoxide, natural gas, methane, propane, ammonia, smoke, steam. |
Solid substances: bread, butter, cheese, meat, fruit, ice, gold,
silver, iron, steel, coal, glass, wood, paper, rubber, plastic, wool, cotton,
silk, nylon, toothpaste, dirt, mud. |
Powder, grain: sugar, salt, pepper, grain, corn, wheat,
barley, buckwheat, oats, rice, rye, corn, maize, flour, sand, cement, dust. |
Other concrete mass nouns: food, furniture, equipment, machinery, traffic,
software, hardware, baggage, luggage, mail, money, jewelry, garbage. |
Various abstract notions: beauty, chaos, charity, capitalism, democracy,
eternity, evidence, homelessness, individualism, faith, infinity, liberty,
loyalty, luxury, misery, motivation, observation, poverty, privacy, slavery,
space, stability, unemployment, violence, wealth, wisdom. |
Frequently used abstract nouns: advice, freedom, friendship, help, honesty,
humour, imagination, inflation, information, justice, knowledge, luck,
memory, news, order, peace, power, progress, reality, research, time, truth,
work. |
Feelings, emotions: anger, anxiety, calm, compassion, confidence,
courage, curiosity, despair, determination, disappointment, enthusiasm, envy,
excitement, forgiveness, happiness, hatred, jealousy, kindness, joy, love,
patience, pleasure, sadness, pride, sensitivity, sincerity, sorrow, sympathy,
tolerance, trust, uncertainty. |
Various types of state: health, sleep, silence, laughter, stress,
sanity, insanity, motherhood, childhood, youth, old age. |
Various activities: reading, writing, studying, walking, running,
driving, traveling, typing, dancing, cooking, eating, drinking, smoking. |
Scientific subjects and fields of
study: mathematics, physics,
chemistry, geography, biology, medicine, agriculture, engineering,
electronics, science, art, history, economics, literature, journalism, music,
education, philosophy, law, politics, accounting, advertising, linguistics,
grammar, phonetics. |
Names of languages: English, German, French, Spanish, Italian,
Dutch, Finnish, Polish, Russian, Ukrainian, Arabic, Chinese, Japanese,
Korean. |
Sports and related activities: basketball, football, baseball, volleyball,
soccer, tennis, gymnastics, athletics, swimming, rugby, golf, fencing, weight
lifting, wrestling, hiking, hunting, fishing, chess, checkers, draughts,
cards, billiards. |
Various natural phenomena: energy, light, electricity, gravity, sunshine,
darkness, fire, weather, thunder, lightning, snow, sleet, frost, dew,
humidity, heat, hail, rain. |
Names of diseases: pneumonia, diabetes, laryngitis, diphtheria,
tuberculosis, cancer, sclerosis, appendicitis, measles, mumps. |
Note: |
A large number of nouns with suffixes,
including uncountable nouns, are listed in List of Nouns with Suffixes in
the section Writing. In many cases, the suffixes "acy, age, ance, dom,
hood, ism, ment, ness, ship, tion, ty" are found in uncountable nouns.
But there are many other cases in this list. Try to determine whether the
nouns with these suffixes are countable or uncountable. It may be a difficult
task even for advanced students. |
Rule 1 |
An uncountable noun is not used with
the indefinite article. If you are speaking about an uncountable noun in
general, don't use any article. |
I'd like coffee with milk, please. |
She prefers green tea. |
Do you play tennis? |
I want to buy new furniture. |
She likes classical music. |
He likes history and Spanish. |
Water consists of hydrogen and oxygen. |
She believes in justice. |
Information gives power. |
He has laryngitis. |
He has no respect for old age. |
Radioactivity was discovered in 1896. |
Science appeared in the Stone Age. |
Coal, oil, and natural gas are used to
produce electricity. |
Rule 2 |
If you need to point out an uncountable
noun, use the definite article the. Usually, some additional information is
needed in the sentence in order to use the definite article, for example, the
of-phrase or a subordinate clause. The definite article in such cases is
close in meaning to "this, that". |
The milk in this glass is sour. |
The tea that she served smelled of
mint. |
Take out the garbage, please. |
How accurate is the information that
you have given in this report? |
The power that this man has is huge. |
The water in this well is poisoned. |
I am studying the history of France. |
Thank you for the kindness that you
have shown to my mother. |
Note: Expressions of quantity |
Certain expressions of quantity are
used with uncountable nouns to show a particular amount or a portion of
something. For example: a cup of coffee, a pound of butter, a loaf of bread,
a piece of cake, a piece of furniture, a piece of news, a grain of rice, a
grain of truth, a game of chess, a little help, a lot of work. (Some
expressions of quantity are described in Specific Use of a/an in the
section Grammar, and there is a list of expressions of quantity with food
products in Food Products Main List in the
section Vocabulary.) |
Note: Different kinds and varieties |
Uncountable nouns, usually concrete
mass nouns, may be used in the plural with the ending s/es to show different
kinds and varieties. For example: the teas of India, blended teas, soft
cheeses, low-fat cheeses, French wines, whole-wheat breads, hard wheats,
stainless steels, iron ores, Chinese silks, various wools. Such use is quite
common in scientific and special literature. |
In general speech and writing, mostly
the singular form is used in such cases. For example: different kinds of soft
cheese, varieties of black tea, types of stainless steel, varieties of wool.
Some uncountable mass nouns are often used in the plural to show different
kinds in general speech and writing, for example, fruits, fruit juices,
wines. Compare these examples: |
This dress is made of silk. |
Chinese silk is very beautiful. |
The museum has a large collection of
textiles, including ornamental Chinese silks and Japanese kimono silks. |
Children should eat fresh fruit and
vegetables and drink fruit juice every day. |
Many fruits and combinations of fruits
are used
to make various fruit juices. |
I like red wine. I'd like a glass of
white wine, please. |
He is a connoisseur of French wine. He
is a connoisseur of French wines. |
The store offers a large selection of French
wines. |
Important note: The meanings of uncountable nouns |
Many uncountable nouns have meanings in
which they function as countable nouns, and in such cases, they can take the
indefinite article a/an or the plural ending s/es. Because there are no
articles in Russian, the difference between an uncountable noun and the same
noun as countable (with another meaning) often escapes us. The difference
between them in English is very big: their meanings are different; you can or
can't use the article a/an or the ending s/es; the verb is in the plural or
in the singular. |
Here are several examples of the
uncountable nouns that can also function as countable nouns: |
beauty; a beauty |
glass; a glass |
liberty; civil liberties |
difficulty; difficulties |
wonder; a wonder |
observation; an observation |
paper; a paper |
drawing; a drawing |
reason; a reason |
iron; an iron |
football; a football |
hair; a hair |
grain; a grain |
crime; a crime |
medicine; medicines |
Examples: Compare the use of articles |
Uncountable noun: |
Observation is important in research. |
This patient needs careful observation. |
Countable noun: |
He made an observation about her report. |
The observation that he made was very helpful to her. |
He made several helpful observations on her report. |
More examples |
Science and art play an important role in human progress.
(Uncountable nouns "science, art" in general, no need for article
the, can't use a/an.) |
Do you think mathematics is a science, an art, a tool, a
language, or a game? (Countable nouns "science, art", singular, one
of sciences / arts, article a/an.) |
The art of painting is an important part of Chinese
culture. (Uncountable noun "art", specific, of-phrase, article
the.) |
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder. Beauty lies in
lover's eyes. (proverb) (Uncountable noun "beauty" in general, no
need for article the, can't use a/an.) |
She is a beauty in this costume. (Countable noun
"beauty", singular, one / one of, indefinite article.) |
The beauty of this engineering solution is in its
simplicity. (Uncountable noun "beauty", specific, of-phrase,
article the.) |
She believes in liberty. (Uncountable noun
"liberty" in general, no need for article the, can't use a/an.) |
Civil liberties and civil rights are the same thing. (Countable
noun "liberties" in general, plural, no need for article the, can't
use a/an.) |
A piano is a musical instrument. (Countable noun
"piano", singular, one / any piano, indefinite article.) |
The piano that he has at home is very old. (Countable
noun "piano", singular, specific, of-phrase, article the.) |
He makes toy pianos. (Countable noun "pianos"
in general, plural, no need for article the, can't use a/an.) |
The pianos that he made last year were sold very quickly.
(Countable noun "pianos", plural, specific, article the.) |
He teaches piano. (Uncountable noun "piano" as
a field of study, no need for article the, can't use a/an.) |
He can play the piano. (Set expression. See Specific
Use of THE, Musical instruments.) |
English Grammar
Countable / Uncountable Nouns
Nouns | Abstract Nouns |
Nouns | Common
Compound Nouns
| Concrete Nouns
Gerund Nouns | Predicate Nouns
| Proper Nouns
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A noun can be countable or uncountable. Countable nouns can be "counted", they have a singular and plural form .For example:
- A book, two books, three books .....
- An apple, two apples, three apples ....
For example:
- Water
- Work
- Information
- Coffee
- Sand
(use a/an or a number in front of countable nouns) |
(there is no a/an or number with uncountable nouns) |
An Apple / 1 Apple
I eat an apple every
I eat rice every
day. (not I eat a rice every
Add (s) to make a countable noun plural
There is no plural form for an uncountable noun
I eat an apple
every day. Apples are good for you.
I eat rice
every day. Rice is good for you.
A computer=
Computers are fun.
To make uncountable
nouns countable add a counting word, such as a unit of measurement, or the
general word piece. We use the form "a ....... of ......."
An elephant=Elephants
are large.
Rice=a grain of rice
Water=a glass of
Rain=a drop of rain
Music=a piece of
You can use some and
any with countable nouns.
Some dogs can be dangerous. I don't use any computers at work. |
You can use some and
any with uncountable nouns.
I usually drink some wine with my meal. I don't usually drink any water with my wine. |
You only use many
and few with plural countable nouns.
So many elephants have been hunted that they are an endangered species. There are few elephants in England. |
You only use much
and little with uncountable nouns.
I don't usually drink much coffee. Little wine is undrinkable though. |
You can use a lot of
and no with plural countable nouns.
No computers were bought last week. A lot of computers were reported broken the week before. |
You can use a lot of
and no with uncountable nouns.
A lot of wine is drunk in France. No wine is drunk in Iran. |
Some mass nouns refer to groups of specific things.
For example:-
Tables, chairs, cupboards etc. are grouped under the mass noun furniture.
Plates, saucers, cups and bowls are grouped under the mass noun crockery.
Knives, forks, spoons etc. are grouped under the collective noun cutlery.
When you are travelling suitcases, bags etc. are grouped under the mass noun luggage / baggage.
Making uncountable nouns countable
You can make most uncountable noun countable by putting a countable expression in front of the noun.For example:-
- A piece of information.
- 2 glasses of water.
- 10 litres of coffee.
- Three grains of sand.
- A pane of glass.
Sources of confusion with countable and uncountable nouns
The notion of countable and uncountable can be confusing.Some nouns can be countable or uncountable depending on their meaning. Usually a noun is uncountable when used in a general, abstract meaning (when you don't think of it as a separate object) and countable when used in a particular meaning (when you can think of it as a separate object).
For example:-
glass - Two glasses of water. (Countable) | A window made of glass. (Uncountable) | glasses - I wear glasses. (Always plural)
Some supposedly uncountable nouns can behave like countable nouns if we think of them as being in containers, or one of several types.
This is because 'containers' and 'types' can be counted.
Believe it or not each of these sentences is correct:-
Doctors recommend limiting consumption to two coffees a day.
(Here coffees refers to the number of cups of coffee)
You could write; "Doctors recommend limiting consumption to two cups of coffee a day."
The coffees I prefer are Arabica and Brazilian.
(Here coffees refers to different types of coffee)
You could write; "The types of coffee I prefer are Arabica and Brazilian."
!Note - In good monolingual dictionaries, uncountable nouns are identified by [U] and countable nouns by [C].
Countable / Uncountable Lesson
ountable and uncountable nouns, my presentation for english classes
- Countable1. nouns are nouns which we can count. They have singular and plural Example:Bristle- bristlesBeaver-beaversElk-elksDress-forms. dressesApple- apples
- They don’t have different plural2. forms.They don’t go with a, an, one, two and so on. They can be used alone or with some/any/much etc. These include:1)Many types of food.2)liquids.3)materials.4)Abstract nouns.And some other nouns.
- BreadEtc. Sugar Salt Rice Butter Cheese Meat Flour Yoghurt3.
- KefirEtc. Milk Alcohol Water petrol Oil Tea Coffee4.
- ConcreteEtc. China Crystal Glass Gold Silver Plastic Wood5.
- BeliefEtc. Confidence Freedom Justice Love Wisdom Knowledge6.
- 7. Research, luggage, baggage, hair, weather, behaviour, ad vice, news, fun, accommodation, information, equipm ent, rubbish, furniture, crockery, cutlery, money, jewell ery, machinery and so on.
- 8. We can use a, an, one, two etc. with nouns such as coffee, tea etc. when we order something.Example:We’ll have two coffees, please.
- 9. A piece of cake etc. A glass/ bottle of A carton of milk A jar of jam etc. A bowl of sugarwater etc. A bit of A packet of rice etc.cheese A loaf/ A drop of water/liquid slice of bread A pot of honey/tea etc. A lump of sugar A A cup of coffee/teapile of rubbish/ wood etc. Some of the A kilo of meat/ cheesenouns above can be also used with plural A bar of countable nouns. ( a kilo of chocolate/soap lemons, a bowl of A tube of toothpasteberries A,etc.) can of soda
- Some nouns can be used as countable and10. uncountable, it depends on what you mean saying something.Examples:1) I’d like a glass of orange juice, please./ He took off his glasses and enjoyed the sun.2) I enjoy reading Sunday paper./ Could you give me a few pieces of paper? I want to write a letter.3) I found the most beautiful iron chair ever!/ Is this iron hot yet? I’m afraid of getting burned.
- A couple of, several, (a) few/ many, a (11. good/large/great) number of, both + countable (too) much, (a)nouns. little, a great/ good deal of, a small/ large amount/ quantity of + A lot of, lots of, (hardly) any, some, no, plenty ofuncountable nouns. + countable AND uncountable nouns.
- 12. Singular Plural1) ( economics, Nouns such asmaths.) and so2) (gymnastics, athletics, etc.) on.3) ( billiards, darts, etc.)4) ( measles, mumps, etc.) E.g.: Her quite high.And the word “ ”.When we talk about Nouns which refer to objects which consist of two parts, such as: , etc.E.g.: Three thousand miles is thedistance from here to that country. and so on.Group nouns such as:and so on.
Penjelasan Countable dan Uncountable Noun - Pada
kesempatan kali ini, penulis hadirkan penjelasan grammar mengenai Countable dan
Uncountable noun. Tentunya sudah banyak yang tahu apa itu Countable noun atau
Uncountable noun, karena perbedaan dan persamaannya sudah jelas terlihat dari
namanya. Countable (Count + able) noun adalah kata benda yang bisa dihitung,
sedangkan Uncountable (Un + count + able) noun adalah kata benda yang tidak
bisa dihitung.
Countable Nouns
Countable nouns adalah nama
dari objek terpisah, ide, mahluk hidup dan sebagainya yang dapat dihitung.
Terdapat tiga ciri countable nouns, yaitu:
1. Tentunya bisa dihitung.
- One book
- Two books
- Five bags
- A pen
2. Memiliki bentuk jamak
(plural) yang ditandai dengan akhiran –s/-es, atau dengan bentuk tidak
- A book menjadi two books
- A glass menjadi three glasses
- A child menjadi five children
3. Di depan contable
nouns bisa digunakan a/an
- A dictionary
- An actor
- A book
Uncountable Nouns
Sedangkan yang dinamakan
uncountable noun, atau juga bisa disebut non-count noun atau mass noun adalah
nama dari material, benda cair, benda abstrak, koleksi, dan benda-benda yang
lain yang kita lihat sebagai suatu benda yang tanpa batasan yang jelas dan
bukan merupakan objek terpisah.
Contoh Uncountable Nouns
Di bawah ini adalah contoh
dari kata benda yang secara umum digunakan sebagai uncountable nouns.
1. Kelompok dari beberapa
benda yang serupa, misalnya kata benda furniture adalah uncountable noun karena
furniture digunakan sebagai istilah untuk menggambarkan segala jenis benda yang
tergolong furniture seperti kursi, meja, dan lain sebaginya. Adapun contoh
lainya adalah: Furniture, food, fruit, clothing, junk, jewelary, equipment,
postage, baggage, grabage, hardware, luggage, machinery, mail, makeup, etc.
2. Kata benda cair (liquids/
fluids), seperti: Water, coffee, tea, milk, oil, soup, gasolin, blood, etc.
3. Kata benda padat (solids),
seperti: Ice, bread, butter, cheese, meat, gold, iron, silver, glass, paper,
wood, catton, etc.
4. Kata benda gas (gases),
seperti: Steam, air, oxygen, nitrogen, smoke, pollution, ect.
5. Kata benda yang terdiri
dari benda-benda kecil yang sulit dihitung (particles), seperti: Rice, corn,
dirt, flour, grass, dust, salt, sand, sugar, wheat, ect.
6. Kata benda abstrak
(abstractions), kata benda yang wujudnya tidak bisa dirasakan oleh panca indera
kita, melainkan kata benda yang berupa ide, gagasa, yang hanya ada di pikiran
kita, seperti: Beauty, confindence, courage, education, fun, enjoyment, health,
time, information, news, space, grammar, vocabulary, work, homework, ect.
7. Ragam bahasa (languages),
seperti: Arabic, Indonesian, English, Chinese, Spanish, ect.
8. Nama-nama mata pelajaran
(field of studies), seperti: Chemistry, mathematics, literature, psychology,
history, engineering, scinetis, ect.
9. Nama-nama aktivitas
(activities), seperti: Swimming, driving, singing, dancing, ect.
10. Nama-nama penampakan alam
(natural phenomena), seperti: Weather, fog, heat, lightning, rain, snow,
thunder, wind, darkness, light, sunshine, fire, gravity, humidity, ect.
Ciri-ciri Uncountable Nouns
Berikut ini adalah ciri-ciri
uncountable nouns, check this out:
1. Uncountable nouns tidak
bisa dihitung sehingga dengan demikian tidak bisa didahului oleh kata bilangan,
- I need milk. Bukan,
I need two milik. - I am dirnking water. Bukan,
I am drinking one water.
2. Uncountable nouns tidak
memiliki bentuk plural (jamak) dengan akhiran –s /-es sebagai penanda,
- We drink some coffee. Bukan,
We buy some coffees. - My mother needs some milk. Bukan,
My mother needs some milks.
3. Uncountable nouns tidak
menggunakan indifinite article a/an, misalnya:
- I like coffee. Bukan,
I like a coffee. - He likes music. Bukan,
He likes a music.
Uncountable Dirubah Menjadi
Countable Noun
Dalam uncountable nouns kita
bisa menjadikanya countable noun dengan menambahkan batasan pada uncountable
nouns tersebut. Jadi uncountable nouns yang tadinya tidak bisa di countable
kan, jika mendapat batasan yang jelas, maka uncountable nouns tersebut bisa
di-countable-kan, misalnya:
I need tea
(uncountable) menjadi I need a cup of tea (countable)
I drink milk
(uncountable) menjadi I drinkk a glass of milk (countable)
A cup of, a glass of adalah
contoh batasan yang ditambahkan jika ingin merubah uncountable nouns menjadi
countable nouns. Di dibawah ini adalah daftar uncountable nouns dan batasan
yang sesuai untuk masing-masing kata benda tersebut.
1. Untuk uncountable nouns
berupa kata benda cair (liquid):
- A liter of ... (seliter), misalnya : There is a liter of water in the kitchen.
- A gallon of ... (segalon), misalnya : There is about a gallon of water in the bathroom.
- A glass of ... (segelas), misalnya : I need a glass of water.
- A cup of ... (secangkir), misalnya : My little brother always brings a bottle of milk to school every day.
- A bottle of ... (sebotol), misalnya : I always drink a cup of coffee in the morning.
- A can of ... (sekaleng), misalnya : There is a can of beer on the table.
2. Untuk kata benda yang
berupa kata benda padat (solid):
- A piece of ... (sepotong), misalnya : I am eating a piece of cake.
- A lump of ... (sebongkah), misalnya : We still have a lump of sugar.
- A bar of ... (sebatang), misalnya : We want to but a bar of chocolate.
- A blade of ... (sebilah/ sehelai), misalnya : Who put a blade of grass in the table?
- A speck of ... (sebutir), misalnya : I saw a speck of dirt on your skirt.
- A block of ... (sebatang/ sebongkah), misalnya : We need a block of ice.
- A sheet of ... (sehelai), misalnya : Do you need a sheet of paper?
- A flash of ... (sepercik), misalnya : I could see a flash of lightning in the darkness.
- A pile of ... (setumpuk), misalnya : There is a pile of rubbish beside the street.
- A strand of ... ( sehelai), misalnya : There is a strand of hair in your shoulder.
- A grain of ... (sebutir), misalnya : The bird is eating a grain of wheat.
BalasHapusMantap sekali :3
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