Senin, 17 Maret 2014

Expository Text

A.           Definition of Expository Text
Expository text is a generic name of some sub genres in writing. Expository text include procedure text, process, cause and effect, comparison and contrast.

B.            Purpose of Expository Text
The purpose of expository text is to tell how something is made or to tell how something is.

C.            Generic of Expository Text
1.      Topic sentence
2.      Supporting sentence
3.      Concluding sentence

D.           Language Feature
1.      Using process verb. Ex: begin, start, become, remain.
2.      Using  indefinite transition.
3.      Using question word mark, such as how.
4.      Using charts, graphics, and other visual aids.
5.      Using present tense.

E.            Example

How An Omlet is Made

Everyone likes a omlet. Omlete is made from egg and vegetable. First, all of the materials are prepared. Second, an egg is broken in the bowl. Third, the vegetable are cut and put on the bowl. Fourth, the egg and the vegetable are stir well. Fifth, the dough are fried in the hot oil until done. Finally, an omlet is ready to serve.

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